Annual Board Meeting

This is our annual community meeting and this year we create a new board of directors and advisory board to server for 2024-2026.
Join the meeting Online:
Video call link:
Please become MAASBESA member before our annual meeting:
Individual Membership:…/7ab15c94-fea3-47a9-b0a9…
From our Bylaws Section 4. For voting purposes at the Annual Meetings of MAASBESA, the following rules will apply:
1. The conditions below apply equally to both individual members and business members
2. Non-Voting Members are any member who has been a member for one year or less
3. Voting Members are any member who is paying his/her annual dues for the second time or more in consecutive years
Serving on the Advisory Board requires at least one year of membership
4. Serving on the Board of Directors requires at least two years of membership and one on the Advisory Board
5. The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may occasionally hold virtual on-line voting to expedite decision-making
6. The Board of Directors may make exceptions to the above rules and add Advisory Board or Board Members at its discretion
7. The Board of Directors reserves the right to modify these above rules by majority vote without requiring formal amendment to the bylaws