Get Involved

Like every other non-profit organization, we at MAASBESA need your help and support. Everything we have succeeded on up to now, has been a result of voluntary work and time by people that love the feeling of giving to others. We are so proud to continue having such people and we are even prouder that you are on this page at the moment. So, you are probably still wondering and thinking HOW CAN YOU HELP?

Well there are a few options that vary from monetary contributions to just a couple of clicks and shares of a web link on social media. Here is a list of them:


There are many people (Albanian and non-Albanian) who are not as lucky as we are, and we would like to be able to help as many of them as possible in the future as we have in the past. During our journey we raised over $100,000 to help local Albanians with serious health problems, not to mention our other activities to promote Albanian culture and heritage; Flag Day activities and the raising of the Albanian Flag at Boston City Hall; boat party in Boston Harbor; continuing the Albanian Language and Heritage School with language and dance classes, and, of course, the Bashkimi Dance Group which is also a part of MAASBESA.

We cannot carry out these and other activities without your financial support. In order to fulfill our mission of strengthening the Albanian community in Massachusetts, it would be very helpful if you consider donating to a cause of your choice.

Donate Now


Join Our Staff

We need people continuously. There is room for everyone. Take a look at the list below.

  • Assisting Local Albanians in Need
  • Promoting the Albanian School and Albanian Culture
  • Public Relations and Communications
  • Organizing Events
  • Website Design, Developing an Electronic Community Forum
  • Membership and Fundraising

Even if you cannot decide where you can help most or not, simply drop us a line from the contact form and we will advise you further on how you can get involved.


Tell others about us

This is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways you can help MAASBESA. There are a lot of people that we can not reach, too — especially if they are not big internet users.

Yes, electronics is the most common way we reach and notify our followers. However you can help change that. You can mention that we have a school for kids to learn and keep their Albanian language alive, that we have a wonderful dancing group; Bashkimi Dance, which makes sure that our folk music and dances shine here in U.S; that we help others in need anytime we can; that we are here for the Albanian community.

At the same time you may as well join our newsletter by entering your email below and invite others to do the same. Also our Facebook page is another way through which we notify people. Like it here and invite others to join as well. If you see something of interest posted there, don’t be shy but click share. It gives us more exposure.