Global Albanians Foundation (GAF) Grant Recipients


Dec 2016


The Global Albanians Foundation (GAF) is pleased to announce the following 17 grant recipients for a total of $17,000 as part of its inaugural Small Grants Program in Southeastern Europe.

List of Approved GAF Small Grants for 2016 :


  1. Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank
  2. Dev­Aid Organization
  3. Down Syndrome Albania
  4. Megaphone Association
  5. Regional Development Agency Vlora
  6. Së Bashku Foundation
  7. Shoqata e Gruas Shpresa Fushe Arrez


  1. Arta
  2. Autizmi Flet
  3. Gruaja Hyjnore
  4. Mother Theresa Society
  5. Qendra Rinor Dragash
  6. Shoqatae të drejtave të pacientëve në Kosovë­ PRAK
  7. Zana

Macedonia and Montenegro

  1. Shoqata Hotla Macedonia
  2. Une Veproj Montenegro
  3. New Horizons Foundation Montenegro
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