03 Apr 2015 |
The Massachusetts Albanian American Community Center Survey was carried out in April, 2015.
The most significant results are:
1) South Boston and Quincy are the preferred locations for a Community Center;
2) Forty people said they are very likely or likely to help with the Community Center;
3) The survey respondents are willing to donate around $4,000 total towards the community center, and;
4) There is significant interest in language and dance classes and many types of services (legal, financial, employment, education, seniors etc…) which we think will justify opening a Community Center provided these activities are well organized and a considerable number of people are interested to attend classes and use our services.
Finally, we would like to congratulate the winner of the $100 gift card to Alba Restaurant in Quincy.
Thank you very much, and please join us on Sunday May 3rd at 1:30PM at the Bagel Bin in Revere (207 Shirley Avenue next to Revere Beach subway stop) for the MAASBESA Board meeting at which we will discuss the results of this survey and other items.